Wednesday, May 21, 2008


so hey, it's the semis, eh?

eric: 1. the big lebowski v. 1. bottle rocket
lee: 2. star wars v. 7. miller's crossing

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Here it is...

Okay fine. Star Wars beats Ghostbusters. Boring. Who couldn't have called that? I kind of hope Star Wars loses in the next round though. I'm kind of sick of Star Wars. Maybe the twenty or so viewings of Phantom finally did me in.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Anyone ready for...?

Top album of all time. Let's start thinking about it.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Final on Godfather vs. Miller's Crossing

I think The Godfather is more influential, more lasting, and speaks more to the human condition. Miller's Crossing, though, is more a product of our generation, and I identify with it more strongly. The Godfather is the winner that anyone would pick; Miller's Crossing is the winner I would pick. Plus I like it better. Miller's Crossing wins.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

More on Godfather vs. Miller's Crossing

Check this shit out:

This could have been funnier, but hey, it's something. Actually, pretty impressive. Has sound and stuff, so don't say I didn't warn you:

How could these guys not have The Godfather? Well, take this moment to review some of the other contenders/finalists, anyway:

Pulp Fiction
Star Wars
Reservoir Dogs (Bleeps)

This one would have been a nomination if we were just going by bunnies:

Die Hard

5. The Godfather v 7. Miller's Crossing

My winner goes against the winner of Star Wars and Ghostbusters. So do I pick the one that I like, or do I pick the one that I think can beat the other party's nominee? Hm. What kind of a choice is that?

I suggest we use the power of the Internets to help with this difficult decision.

Googlefight gives it to Godfather. No surprise there, Googlefight, you little mainstream bitch.

Fuck. Where's Jeeves? Okay, well, "", if that really is its real name, doesn't have a suggestion for me.

It appears the answer is Miller's Crossing, though. To be fair, this is probably only because pages mentioning Miller's Crossing also mention The Godfather, but not the other way around. Same with "I'm feeling lucky" from a Google search, which takes you to IMDB's page for Miller's Crossing. PageRank(TM) my butt.

Facebook can track occurrences of certain keywords in people's user content over time. Then they sell that information to the CIA.

What happened in November 2007 relating to gangsters? "American Gangster", the movie, I guess. runs quickvotes on their home page. Today's seemed really apropos:

Signal is lost in the noise, though, I'm afraid. GTA noise.

I checked out just to see if they had votes too. Man, is a FUCKING RAG. Top world news story is the thing with the guy who locked all of Europe in his basement. Second news item is, "Babies Dropped 50 Feet for Good Luck in Bizarre Ritual." I'll copy the third news item here:

Saleswoman: Your baby is dead!
Homer and Marge: Oh, no!
Saleswoman: That's what you'd hear if your baby fell victim to the thousands of deathtraps lurking in the average american home.
Homer: You really scared us there.
Saleswoman: I'm sorry, but the truth is, your baby, Maggie Simpson, is dead.
(Homer and Marge gasp again.)
Saleswoman: Dead tired of baby insurance agents not giving you a free estimate.

I too have the balls

The balls that have been sucked.
Okay, so i stayed up last night till 4am. I watched both movies back-to-back twice.
In between movies I made some notes, took a piss, admired my beard for a while, and got a fresh pint of tequilla.
I'm not doing so hot today. Which is perfect.
My experiment goes thusly...
This morning, I reviewed my notes and finished off the booze.
And I thought about each movie long and hard. Super focus type thinking.
Whichever movie made me puke the hardest, would lose.
You know what? Bottle Rocket didn't make me puke at all.
Donnie Darko left me without a stomach.
Onwards Wes. Onwards.

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